Kawal Pal Singh Khalsa

I love my Mother. I love my Father. I love Bhangra. I love God.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Lecture on marriage by Siri Singh Sahib.

Siri Singh Sahib, Bhai Sahib, Bhai Harbhajan Singh Khalsa, Yogi Ji

Date: July 15 1984
Topic: Marriage.

You all have to realize what a marriage is. Marriage is not an easy path. Marriage is a life. Marriage is not a ceremony,marriage is God.

Marriage has not been understood by the Western world at all. It was understood by the Eastern world but it is forgottenthere too. So at this time, the institution of marriage is in total limbo. People do not know what to do with it; people do notknow what to do without it. So what we have found out via the media is that marriage then divorce and divorce then marriage is a continuous process.

But actually if we all understand what marriage is, then perhaps we can do better. Marriage is an institution of willingness, in which two identities want to amalgamate. It’s an amalgamation of two egos to bring out a neutral new personality.

What is the advantage of it and what is the disadvantage of it ? When this amalgamation happens then divine power in thepsyche starts to function. Without that, people are individuals and they will only yell and scream at each other and goodness will never come in that home. It is a granted fact.

Marriage bring happiness. It’s an amalgamation of two psyches. And when these two psyches are amalgamated, neither one is an individual. There is no question of he and she. That’s it. There is no loss, there is no gain and there is no bank account.

"This is what my husband said" does not exist. "I will ask my wife" does not exist. If there is no confidence that the husband can speak on behalf of his wife and the wife can speak on behalf of her husband, they have not yet married. If this is the commitment, that the husband cannot commit on behalf on his wife and the wife cannot commit on behalf of her husband, they do not know what commitment is.

To make an alloy, you take two elements and put them together. The alloy cannot be separated. You can boil it, you canform the alloy into a liquid, you can totally burn it, but once it becomes an alloy, it will totally keep its own quality, ownquantity, own weight, own molecules, own electrons, protons and neutrons, and own combination. Whatever made brassdoesn’t matter. Brass has its own faculty, own quality, own weight and own property.

And that is what love is, that is what marriage is, that is what life is, that is what good luck is. There are no two opinions about it; when a male and a female merge together. That’s why we do it (anand karaj) before God. That's why we do it (anand karaj) before Guru.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Every day is a fight to be fought.

Dehi Shiva Bar Mohe Ihe
(O God Shiva, give me these boons)

Shubh Karman Se Kabhun Na Taron
(Never shall I desist from doing good deeds)

Na Daron Ari Son Jab Jai Laron
(Never shall I fear when I fight the enemy)

Nischey Kar Apni Jeet Karon
(And with certainty I shall attain victory)

- Siri Guru Gobind Singh Ji

I don't have any enemies, but i fight my enemy everyday. My enemy is my mind - Kawal Khalsa